Pest Talk Ideas: How to Keep Ants Away From Your Home

Thursday, 28 July 2016

How to Keep Ants Away From Your Home

One ant may not seem like much, but when you are looking at a full-scale infestation, they are a nuisance. While professional extermination might be necessary, there are ways you can prevent ants from entering your home in the first place.

Seal Any Cracks

Any cracks, especially near the floor, should be noted. You can seal these up with caulk or plaster. Temporary sealants are available, but there are also more permanent solutions.

Apply Plenty of Soap

When you see a few ants, you can eliminate them yourself by getting a little bit of soaps water and washing them away. Not only does this kill a few ants, but it also eliminates the scent trail left behind. That way you reduce the risk of other ants finding a way inside.

Sprinkle Coffee Grounds

If you are the type of person who makes a pot of coffee every morning, there is something you can do with those leftover coffee grounds. You can sprinkle them over an anthill. This confuses worker ants because the coffee messes with their sense of smell. Over time, your yard can be free of anthills.

These are just a few of the things you can do to naturally keep ants at bay. In the event ants have already entered your home, then you need to call the experts. Go to this website to get prompt ant removal in Lumberton.

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