Pest Talk Ideas: 2016

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

The Health Hazards of Bed Bugs

Bed bug infestations are much more common than they once were, and more is being learned about the creatures themselves, too.While they are not directly related to the sorts of diseases associated with other pests, such as mosquitoes, they can play a role in diminishing both health and quality of life for those who are subjected to them.

Skin Disorders

People who come into close contact with bed bugs are likely to develop itchy sores and patches of dry skin. In many cases, these uncomfortable areas will develop into full rashes.


Anywhere that your skin is broken, your body is susceptible to infections caused by germs. Constant scratching of bed bug bite zones can lead to infection that can cause serious illness and challenge your immune system.

Sleep Patterns

Many people who live in bed bug infestation situations find it impossible to get a good night’s sleep. Sleep deprivation has serious ramifications that may start out seemingly small with symptoms such as irritability and fatigue and evolve into more serious matters such as the development of psychoses.

Serious Allergies

In some cases, reactions to bed bug bites can be very serious. Anaphylactic shock may lead to death.

Bed bug infestations should be dealt with swiftly. For more information on bed bug extermination in Raleigh, please visit this website.

4 Signs You Have Termites

Anyone who owns or is looking to acquire their own home should familiarize themselves with four main signs of termite infestation.Once termites establish themselves, it does not take long for them to do significant damage to the structure. Early intervention is your best bet for avoiding or negating potentially devastating damage.

Mud Tubes

Like corridors from home to food, these termite-built structures are perfect paths for the termites to safely travel to the wooden portions of your home.Composed of dirt and gooey regurgitated cellulose, or plant fibers, these pencil-thin tubes are fairly durable and easy to spot. In many cases, the very first sign of termites comes in this form.


With tens of thousands of termites traveling together, a swarm is an omen of bad things to come for unprotected homes.

Discarded Wings

Delicate and transparent, termite wings are pretty little things that may show up in clusters upon window seals, porches, or stoops. Easily discarded by the termites after a swarm, they are certain signs that termites have moved in.

Visible Damage

Once the termites have selected their point of habitation, they set to work immediately.In a few short weeks, terrible damage can be done to homes not protected against their infestation.

Immediate address of the situation is crucial. For more information on termite removal in Garner, please visit this website.

Keep Small Mammals Out

Mice can be adorable, but when they are in your home you probably just want them gone. Look into some ways to deter small rodents from getting into your home. 

Why It Is Important to Remove Squirrels From Your Home

You probably most often see squirrels up in trees, but these small animals may also choose to live in certain parts of your home such as the attic. If your house is hosting a family of squirrels, there are a number of reasons you will want to have them removed.

1. They Are Destructive

Squirrels like to chew on things, and your home is no exception. If your attic is invaded by squirrels, they will set to work chewing on boards, pipes, wiring and more. If the situation is not addressed, this propensity toward chewing may cause significant damage to your home over time.

2. They Are Odorous

If squirrels make your house into a long-term residence, you may eventually begin to notice a strange smell. This is because the animals are likely to use your home as both a bathroom and a living area. For the sake of your house’s hygiene and aroma, it is best to get squirrels removed as quickly as you are able.

3. They Matter

Squirrels form an important part of the ecosystem. Having squirrels removed from your attic can often be done humanely and compassionately if you choose the right service. A good service will work with you to help seal off holes in order to prevent the problem from recurring.

Are you dealing with a squirrel incursion? You can visit this website to find squirrel removal in Raleigh.

What to Do If You Have a Large Animal Carcass in Front of Your Home

If you discover that a large animal has died near your home, you may not be certain what to do. It is likely not the best idea to attempt disposal of the carcass on your own. This is true for a variety of reasons including hygiene as well as any local laws that may apply. If you do find yourself facing this situation, here are a few things you can do.

1. Keep Away Children and Pets

If you have any pets or young children, it is best to keep them inside or somehow confined away from the carcass. You do not want to risk a child or pet touching the remains of an animal that could potentially have died from an illness. Pets may be especially prone to investigating carcasses, so keep your pet indoors or otherwise restrained until the situation has been resolved.

2. Call in the Experts

Call a local wildlife removal company to determine how best to proceed. The experts will know all local regulations regarding carcass disposal. They will also be able to evaluate the situation and, if necessary, test the remains for any possible illnesses or diseases.

Do you have the carcass of a large animal near your home? Help is available from trained professionals who will know exactly how to assist you. Visit this website to find dead animal removal in Garner.

Rodents Chewing Up Soy-Based Wiring in Cars

Car owners are complaining to the federal government about car manufacturers using a soy-based coating on engine wires that is being chewed up by rodents, KIRO7 reports… read more

3 Signs You Have Raccoons in Your Attic

Raccoons tend to be quite destructive to the homes they invade. If these creatures have taken up residence in your attic, you will want to know as quickly as possible. Here are three of the signs that may indicate your attic has developed a raccoon problem.

1. Strange Sounds

Have you heard scratching, scuffling or chittering sounds coming from your attic? If the top portion of your home is not as quiet as it should be, this may indicate that you are playing host to a family of raccoons. These creatures sometimes tend to be noisy.

2. Signs of Destruction

If you do suspect that your home has been invaded by wildlife, try visiting your attic and looking for visual indications of damage. You may see things such as torn insulation or signs of chewing on walls or building materials.

3. Unpleasant Odors

If raccoons move in, they will likely use your attic as a latrine as well as home. Over time, this could produce distinctly unpleasant smells that may invade even other parts of your home. Try to resolve the situation as quickly as possible in order to avoid lingering odors that may become difficult to remove.

Have you seen signs that indicate you could have raccoons in your attic? Visit this website to obtain raccoon removal in Cary.

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

3 Signs You Need a Pest Control Service

Too many people discover that they have a pest problem once the rodents or insects have already been living in the walls or under the house for quite some time. It can be difficult to tell when you have an infestation, but there are usually signs that might alert you to the problem. Here are three things to be on the lookout for.

1.Toppled Garbage

This is a clear sign to most people that something has been rummaging around, but many don’t take it as evidence that there are unwanted creatures living on the premises. When the garbage falls, inspect the rest of the property as well.

2. Smells

It can be difficult to tell what scents naturally occur in your house or neighborhood, and what smells are pest-related. Some common odors are:

  • Urine
  • Ammonia
  • Oil

While these could be just household smells, they often indicate unwanted guests.

3. Holes

Any opening between cabinets or floorboards could be the entryway for a variety of pests. You might not see them coming and going, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a family of mice living right behind your dishware.

Don’t ignore the signs of an infestation until it’s too late to quickly solve the problem. Visit this website to find the right pest control service in South San Francisco.

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Mosquitos Do Not Have to Win

Mosquitos are a force to be reckoned with, but don’t let those tiny beings win. The right assistance is out there to stop them in their tracks.

Top 3 Reasons to Get Rid of Cockroaches in Your Home

Few insects are capable of making a person as squeamish as cockroaches. They are disgusting insects that need to be eliminated as soon as possible before the infestation can get any more severe.

1. They Carry Diseases

The main reason why you want to get rid of cockroaches in your home is that they carry a wide range of diseases. Roaches have been known to carry streptococcus, staphylococcus and salmonella. The best way to reduce your risk is simply to exterminate the pests.

2. They Ruin Food

Cockroaches are most often seen in the kitchen. The reason is that the kitchen is where all the food is. If you spot a cockroach in your bread bag, cereal box or anywhere else, then you will want to throw away the item. This ultimately wastes money.

3. They Smell

If you have a rather large infestation, then all those cockroaches are going to produce an unpleasant, musty odor. This smell tends to linger, and it can also affect the way certain foods taste.

You should never have to share a home with gross roaches. To get peace of mind they are gone for good, you should have someone come over to exterminate them. Visit this website to look into cockroach removal in Fayetteville.

Tips for Keeping Mosquitos Away From Your Yard

Summer is the time of year to kick back and relax outside, to enjoy baseball, take in some fireworks or to simply get that tan your body’s been waiting all year for. Unfortunately, summer is also the time when mosquitos come out to play. Not only is the constant hovering and biting irritating, but these insects can carry some astoundingly serious diseases. Bug spray might help sometimes, but there are some more direct, more effective approaches you can take to keep mosquitos away from your yard during the warmer months:

  • Eliminate any standing water near your home, as this is where mosquitoes breed. Without water, mosquitoes can’t reproduce, meaning they’ll travel away from your home in order to survive. Keep in mind that this isn’t restricted to ponds and puddles. Even a bird bath can become a breeding ground.

  • If you’re looking for a more natural way to handle mosquitos, try planting a few citronella plants around your property. The smell these plants give off is known to keep these bugs at bay.

  • Trimming back the vegetation can have more impact that you might initially consider. Aside from leeching off of your blood, mosquitos often feed on plant nectar, so cutting off their food supply is a must.

Each of these is a simple way to reduce the population of mosquitos around your home, but if these don’t work, it may be time to call in the professionals. To learn more about mosquito control and West Nile Prevention in Pinehurst, visit this website.

Formosan Termites Found in Nine More Locations in Jacksonville Neighborhood

Formosan termites have been found at nine more locations in Riverside, a horticulture agent for Duval County told read more

Reasons Commercial Pest Control Is Important

Getting routine pest control services is just as important for businesses as it is for residential homes. It may even be more important because the well-being of your company is on the line.

Protect Reputation

If it becomes public knowledge that your business is littered with roaches, termites or other pests, then irreparable damage might occur to your store’s reputation. People may not want to come even after you have gotten rid of the pests. Prevent bugs from coming in the first place, and take care of them promptly if they arrive.

Save Money

Hiring a pest control company to come out and spray will cost some money, but it is better to spend a little money upfront than have to pay a ton to deal with the aftermath of an infestation. Termites can eat away at wooden structures, necessitating repairs. Restaurants will need to throw away perfectly good food if bugs get into a pantry. It is best to simply budget a little money to afford these services.

You should hire a pest control company to come out to your business a couple times a year at the minimum. This will prevent bugs from coming in the first place, and prevention is always preferable over treatment. Visit this website to find commercial pest control in Pinehurst today.

How to Keep Ants Away From Your Home

One ant may not seem like much, but when you are looking at a full-scale infestation, they are a nuisance. While professional extermination might be necessary, there are ways you can prevent ants from entering your home in the first place.

Seal Any Cracks

Any cracks, especially near the floor, should be noted. You can seal these up with caulk or plaster. Temporary sealants are available, but there are also more permanent solutions.

Apply Plenty of Soap

When you see a few ants, you can eliminate them yourself by getting a little bit of soaps water and washing them away. Not only does this kill a few ants, but it also eliminates the scent trail left behind. That way you reduce the risk of other ants finding a way inside.

Sprinkle Coffee Grounds

If you are the type of person who makes a pot of coffee every morning, there is something you can do with those leftover coffee grounds. You can sprinkle them over an anthill. This confuses worker ants because the coffee messes with their sense of smell. Over time, your yard can be free of anthills.

These are just a few of the things you can do to naturally keep ants at bay. In the event ants have already entered your home, then you need to call the experts. Go to this website to get prompt ant removal in Lumberton.